FUEL Ignition
FUEL Partners have over 60 years of combined experience in technical innovation & commercialization.
We help inventors and other creators bring their idea or early prototype from concept to a market-ready stage. Some of those ideas may come out of a garage, others from the University. Innovation doesn’t know boundaries and our team is built to support all aspects of early innovation and commercialization.
FUEL provides fee-for-service product design, engineering, development, and manufacturing services, along with integrated business, regulatory and intellectual property advisory and support services. We also provide standalone expert advisory services encompassing all aspects of our expertise.
Our main focus is on human health, including biomedical devices, environmental, and clean energy solutions, but if the fit is right we service other sectors as well.
We are also designing and developing our own products for commercialization, alone or in collaboration with others and will be launching our first product in 2023.